Shadows of Silence

Artist Leif Ove Andsnes
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label EMI Classics
Erschienen 2009

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Lullabies, for piano 3:13
2 Piano Concerto 25:05
3 Játékok (Games), for piano 8:15
4 Piano Concerto 23:25
5 The Shadows of Silence, for piano 15:57

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Lullabies, for piano 3:13
2 Piano Concerto - 1. Dotted quarter note = ca. 110 - 5:41
3 Piano Concerto - 2. Presto - 4:28
4 Piano Concerto - 3. Sixteenth note = ca. 85 - 7:06
5 Piano Concerto - 4. Quartet note = ca. 84 7:50
6 Játékok (Games), for piano - Hommage à Farakas Ferenc III (Evocation of Petrushka): Lendülettel (Tempo 1) - Vivacissimo (Tempo 2 :48
7 Játékok (Games), for piano - Aus der Ferne (for Alfred Schlee's 80th birthday) - (A Voice in the Distance): Sehr leise, äußerst 1:37
8 Játékok (Games), for piano - Bogáncs (Thistle): Con bravura :23
9 Játékok (Games), for piano - Les Adieux (in Janáceks Manier): Semplice, poco rubato e sempre parlando 1:41
10 Játékok (Games), for piano - Vízozon-sirénák (Sirens of the Deluge): Presto :34
11 Játékok (Games), for piano - Apokrif himnusz: (Apocryphal Hymn): Alla breve, tranquillo :55
12 Játékok (Games), for piano - Hempergos (Tumble-bunny): Veloce :20
13 Játékok (Games), for piano - Hommage à Farkas Ferenc 2 (Scraps of a colinda melody - faintly recollected): Vivace, dolce 1:57
14 Piano Concerto - 1. Quarter note = 72 - 9:27
15 Piano Concerto - 2. Quarter note = 38 - 40 - / 3. 13:58
16 The Shadows of Silence, for piano 15:57

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