Westerkamp: Whisper Study; Sciarrino: Docex purpureus; Cage: Music for Piano 55-63; Etc.

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label Editionrz
Erschienen 2003

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Whisper Study, for 2-channel tape 10:43
2 Codex purpureus, for string trio 5:52
3 Music for Piano 53 - 68, for piano or any number of pianos: 55-63 6:31
4 Roots and Vibration, for voice & percussion 8:06
5 Solar Orchestra, intallation with self playing musical instruments 7:32
6 Music for Piano 69 - 84, for piano or any number of pianos: 78-84 5:36
7 Canti (20) del Capricorno, for woman's voice, another voice & instruments: No. 1 and No. 4 for voice (and additional intruments) 4:59
8 Jû-Jû-Shin for 15 Buddhist monks: 1. Ishoteiyoshin / 4. Yuiunmugashin / 7. Kakushinfushoshin / 10. Himitsushogonshin 23:05
9 A Hall is All, sound installation 5:28

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Whisper Study, for 2-channel tape 10:43
2 Codex purpureus, for string trio 5:52
3 Music for Piano 53 - 68, for piano or any number of pianos - 55-63 6:31
4 Roots and Vibration, for voice & percussion 8:06
5 Solar Orchestra, intallation with self playing musical instruments 7:32
6 Music for Piano 69 - 84, for piano or any number of pianos - 78-84 5:36
7 Canti (20) del Capricorno, for woman's voice, another voice & instruments - No. 1 and No. 4 for voice (and additional intruments) 4:59
8 Jû-Jû-Shin for 15 Buddhist monks - 1. Ishoteiyoshin / 4. Yuiunmugashin / 7. Kakushinfushoshin / 10. Himitsushogonshin 23:05
9 A Hall is All, sound installation 5:28

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