Prokofiev: Pierre et le loup; Saint-Saëns: Le Carnaval des animaux; Poulenc: Histoire de Babar

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label EMI

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Peter and the Wolf, children's tale for narrator & orchestra, Op. 67 26:40
2 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble 23:14
3 L'histoire de Babar, le petit éléphant, melodrama for narrator & piano (or orchestra), FP 129 27:11

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Peter and the Wolf, children's tale for narrator & orchestra, Op. 67 26:40
2 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Introduction et marche royale du lion 2:00
3 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Poules et coqs - Hémiones 1:54
4 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Tortues - L'Éléphant - Kangourous 4:28
5 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Aquarium 2:11
6 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Personnage à longues oreilles - le Coucou au fond des bois 3:27
7 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Volière 1:17
8 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Pianistes - Fossiles 2:38
9 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Le Cygne 3:15
10 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Final 2:04
11 L'histoire de Babar, le petit éléphant, melodrama for narrator & piano (or orchestra), FP 129 27:11

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