Pour les enfants

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Deutsche Grammophon
Erschienen 1998

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Peter and the Wolf, children's tale for narrator & orchestra, Op. 67 27:13
2 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 21:23
3 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble 19:56

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Peter and the Wolf, children's tale for narrator & orchestra, Op. 67 - Introduction: "Imaginez une belle prairie parsemée de fleurs" 2:10
2 Peter and the Wolf, children's tale for narrator & orchestra, Op. 67 - Un beau matin, Pierre ouvrit la barrière 4:42
3 Peter and the Wolf, children's tale for narrator & orchestra, Op. 67 - Tout à coup, quelque chose attira l'attention de Pierre 4:05
4 Peter and the Wolf, children's tale for narrator & orchestra, Op. 67 - A peine Pierre avait-il disparu... 3:06
5 Peter and the Wolf, children's tale for narrator & orchestra, Op. 67 - Maintenant, violà la situation 6:03
6 Peter and the Wolf, children's tale for narrator & orchestra, Op. 67 - C'est alors... que les chasseurs sortirent du bois 2:16
7 Peter and the Wolf, children's tale for narrator & orchestra, Op. 67 - Et maintenant,... imaginez la procession triomphale 4:51
8 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - L'orchestre s'accorde - "Ce que vous entendez en ce moment" 1:22
9 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - Tout commence par une idée 2:11
10 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - Maintenant, ils sont tous prêts 2:45
11 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "Le moment est venu pour chaque instrument d'interpréter son texte personel" Variation A :30
12 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "Maintenant, deux hautbois discutent thème" Variation B :44
13 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "Les clarinettes ont la parole facile" Variation C :42
14 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "Le bavardage des bassons se reconnaît aisément à leur voix grave" Variation D :48
15 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "Parmi les 60 instruments à cordes" Variation E :47
16 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "Les altos, a la voix plus grave, sont plus grands que les violons" Variation F :55
17 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "Le violoncelle est encore plus grand" Variation G 1:11
18 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "La contrebasse est aussi grande qu'un homme" Variation H 1:02
19 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "Les mots que l'on détache sur les 47 cordes de la harpe" Variation I :51
20 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "Le cor est l'un des cuivres" Variation J 1:14
21 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "Ces deux trompettes se mettenr d'accord après une vive polémique" Variation K :31
22 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "Les géants parmi les cuivres, les trombones et les tubas, aiment toujours avoir le dernier mot" Va :56
23 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "Le commentaire de la batterie frappe au point précis" Variation M 1:38
24 Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34 - "Chacun a eu son tour" Fugue 3:16
25 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Introduction et marche royale du lion - Poules et coqs - Hermiones 3:13
26 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Tortues - Léléphant - Kangourous 3:28
27 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Aquarium - Personnages aux longues oreilles 2:43
28 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Le coucou au fond des bois - Volière - Pianistes 4:37
29 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Fossiles 1:14
30 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Le cygne 2:48
31 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Final 1:53

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