Music from the Movies [Dutton Vocalion]

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche ()
Label Vocalion
Erschienen 2008

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Music from the Movies 1937, for orchestra: March 3:08
2 Spitfire Prelude & Fugue, for orchestra (from film score "The First of the Few"): Spitfire Fugue 4:12
3 Western Approaches, film score: Seascape 4:12
4 The Rake's Progress: Calypso music 3:49
5 The Edge of the World, film score: The last walk 4:52
6 Hungry Hill, film score: Waltz into jig 4:10
7 The Overlanders, film score: Incidental Music 8:50
8 49th Parallel, film score (The Invaders): Prelude 3:23
9 The Cure for Love, film score: Theme music 3:08
10 Romance, from the film "The Magic Bow" 3:48
11 Esther Waters, film score: Theme 1:44
12 Esther Waters, film score: Derby Day 1886 1:24
13 The Weaker Sex, film score: London scene 1:31
14 Sleeping Car to Trieste, film score: Sleeping car train 1:41
15 Sleeping Car to Trieste, film score: Waltz 1:38
16 Woman Hater, film score: Dinner at Lady Datchett's 1:12
17 High Tide at Noon, film score: Joanna's theme 2:46
18 High Tide at Noon, film score: Alec's theme 2:46
19 High Tide at Noon, film score: Title music 3:20
20 The Spanish Gardener, film score: Title music 1:35
21 Yangtse Incident, film score: Theme and incidental music 3:13
22 The Loves of Joanna Godden, film score: Incidental music 8:37

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Music from the Movies 1937, for orchestra - March 3:08
2 Spitfire Prelude & Fugue, for orchestra (from film score "The First of the Few") - Spitfire Fugue 4:12
3 Western Approaches, film score - Seascape 4:12
4 The Rake's Progress - Calypso music 3:49
5 The Edge of the World, film score - The last walk 4:52
6 Hungry Hill, film score - Waltz into jig 4:10
7 The Overlanders, film score - Incidental Music 8:50
8 49th Parallel, film score (The Invaders) - Prelude 3:23
9 The Cure for Love, film score - Theme music 3:08
10 Romance, from the film "The Magic Bow" 3:48
11 Esther Waters, film score - Theme 1:44
12 Esther Waters, film score - Derby Day 1886 1:24
13 The Weaker Sex, film score - London scene 1:31
14 Sleeping Car to Trieste, film score - Sleeping car train 1:41
15 Sleeping Car to Trieste, film score - Waltz 1:38
16 Woman Hater, film score - Dinner at Lady Datchett's 1:12
17 High Tide at Noon, film score - Joanna's theme 2:46
18 High Tide at Noon, film score - Alec's theme 2:46
19 High Tide at Noon, film score - Title music 3:20
20 The Spanish Gardener, film score - Title music 1:35
21 Yangtse Incident, film score - Theme and incidental music 3:13
22 The Loves of Joanna Godden, film score - Incidental music 8:37

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