Humperdinck: Orchestral Suites from the Operas

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Romantische Musik (1820-1869)
Label Urania

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Overture for orchestra in C major ("Trumpet"), Op. 101 8:15
2 Hänsel und Gretel, opera: Orchestral Fantasy on Motifs of the Opera 20:22
3 Königskinder, opera: Interlude to Act II 3:36
4 Königskinder, opera: Interlude to Act III 10:00
5 Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty), 5 tone pictures from the opera 19:55

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Overture for orchestra in C major ("Trumpet"), Op. 101 8:15
2 Hänsel und Gretel, opera - Orchestral Fantasy on Motifs of the Opera 20:22
3 Königskinder, opera - Interlude to Act II 3:36
4 Königskinder, opera - Interlude to Act III 10:00
5 Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty), 5 tone pictures from the opera - Overture 7:02
6 Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty), 5 tone pictures from the opera - Ballade 4:56
7 Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty), 5 tone pictures from the opera - The Wandering 3:19
8 Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty), 5 tone pictures from the opera - The Castle of Thorns 2:06
9 Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty), 5 tone pictures from the opera - Sounds of Festivities 2:32

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