Maurice Jarre: The Emotion and the Strength

Artist Maurice Jarre
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Milan
Erschienen 2002

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Welcoming Fanfare of the Theater National Populaire 1:15
2 Grand Prix, film score: Overture 4:44
3 Witness, film score: Building the Barn 5:02
4 The Tin Drum, film score: Suite 7:16
5 Ghost, film score: End Credits 4:16
6 Gorillas in the Mist, film score: End Credits 2:48
7 Dead Poets Society, film score: Keating's Triumph 5:58
8 Sunshine, film score: Sunshine 5:13
9 Villa Rides!, film score: Main Title 3:36
10 Doctor Zhivago, film score: Suite 9:51
11 The Man Who Would Be King, film score: Suite 5:18
12 Passage to India, film score: Suite 10:04
13 The Year of Living Dangerously, film score: Suite 6:53
14 Shadow of the Wolf, film score: The White Wolf 5:08
15 Fatal Attraction, film score: Suite 5:12
16 A Walk in The Clouds, film score: A Walk in the Clouds 3:07
17 Ryan's Daughter, film score: Suite 8:32
18 Uprising, film score: Main Theme 4:02
19 Jacob's Ladder, film score: End Credits 3:24
20 Lawrence of Arabia, film score 12:26
21 Is Paris Burning? film score: Paris en Colère 3:28

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Welcoming Fanfare of the Theater National Populaire 1:15
2 Grand Prix, film score - Overture 4:44
3 Witness, film score - Building the Barn 5:02
4 The Tin Drum, film score - Suite 7:16
5 Ghost, film score - End Credits 4:16
6 Gorillas in the Mist, film score - End Credits 2:48
7 Dead Poets Society, film score - Keating's Triumph 5:58
8 Sunshine, film score - Sunshine 5:13
9 Villa Rides!, film score - Main Title 3:36
10 Doctor Zhivago, film score - Suite 9:51
11 The Man Who Would Be King, film score - Suite 5:18
12 Passage to India, film score - Suite 10:04
13 The Year of Living Dangerously, film score - Suite 6:53
14 Shadow of the Wolf, film score - The White Wolf 5:08
15 Fatal Attraction, film score - Suite 5:12
16 A Walk in The Clouds, film score - A Walk in the Clouds 3:07
17 Ryan's Daughter, film score - Suite 8:32
18 Uprising, film score - Main Theme 4:02
19 Jacob's Ladder, film score - End Credits 3:24
20 Lawrence of Arabia, film score 12:26
21 Is Paris Burning? film score - Paris en Colère 3:28

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