The Majesty of Holiness

Artist Zamir Chorale of Boston
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Romantische Musik (1820-1869)
Label Zamir
Erschienen 2000

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Mah Tovu 3:12
2 Lecho Dodi, Sabbath evening hymn 5:23
3 Tov'L'hodot (It is a Good Thing) 5:54
4 Enosh Kechotsir Yomov, Memorial service 4:52
5 Halleluyoh, Rosh Hashanah morning liturgy 2:39
6 Halleluyoh, Rosh Hashanah morning liturgy 1:28
7 Mizmor Shir, Sabbath evening liturgy 0:08
8 Tov LeHodos, Sabbath evening liturgy for chorus 4:54
9 Ki Hiney Oyevecho, Sabbath evening liturgy 1:49
10 Vayhi Binso'a Ho'oron, Sabbath morning liturgy 1:36
11 Yehalelu Es Shem, Sabbath morning liturgy 1:13
12 Hashkivenu, Sabbath evening liturgy 5:00
13 Halleluyoh, for the celebration of a royal birthday 8:16
14 Mizmar LeSodo, For the marriage ceremony 3:51
15 Min HaMeytsar, festival morning liturgy 7:11
16 Somachti, prelude to a festival service 3:50

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Mah Tovu 3:12
2 Lecho Dodi, Sabbath evening hymn 5:23
3 Tov'L'hodot (It is a Good Thing) 5:54
4 Enosh Kechotsir Yomov, Memorial service 4:52
5 Halleluyoh, Rosh Hashanah morning liturgy 2:39
6 Halleluyoh, Rosh Hashanah morning liturgy 1:28
7 Mizmor Shir, Sabbath evening liturgy :08
8 Tov LeHodos, Sabbath evening liturgy for chorus 4:54
9 Ki Hiney Oyevecho, Sabbath evening liturgy 1:49
10 Vayhi Binso'a Ho'oron, Sabbath morning liturgy 1:36
11 Yehalelu Es Shem, Sabbath morning liturgy 1:13
12 Hashkivenu, Sabbath evening liturgy 5:00
13 Halleluyoh, for the celebration of a royal birthday 8:16
14 Mizmar LeSodo, For the marriage ceremony 3:51
15 Min HaMeytsar, festival morning liturgy 7:11
16 Somachti, prelude to a festival service 3:50

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