Voices of Change

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label CRI
Erschienen 1998

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Les niais amoureux, for violin, clarinet, cello & piano 14:02
2 Quotations, for cello & piano 7:31
3 Trio tropical, for violin, cello & piano 17:29
4 Romancero, for soprano & chamber ensemble 13:32
5 Madrigal, for clarinet 8:22
6 Pueblo mulato, for soprano, oboe, guitar, double bass, percussion & piano (3 songs on poems by Nicolás Guillén) 6:22

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Les niais amoureux, for violin, clarinet, cello & piano - Larghetto Amoroso 3:36
2 Les niais amoureux, for violin, clarinet, cello & piano - Allegro Cantabile 8:07
3 Les niais amoureux, for violin, clarinet, cello & piano - Larghissimo Tranquillo 2:19
4 Quotations, for cello & piano 7:31
5 Trio tropical, for violin, cello & piano - Movement 1: En Do 6:09
6 Trio tropical, for violin, cello & piano - Movement 2: Habanera Nocturna 3:02
7 Trio tropical, for violin, cello & piano - Movement 3: Intermezzo Religioso Y Movimento Perpetuo 8:18
8 Romancero, for soprano & chamber ensemble - I. Morenica A Mi Me Llaman 3:43
9 Romancero, for soprano & chamber ensemble - II. ¡Arriba Canes Arriba! 4:26
10 Romancero, for soprano & chamber ensemble - III. Seguidillas 1:46
11 Romancero, for soprano & chamber ensemble - IV. Triste Estaba El Rey David 3:37
12 Madrigal, for clarinet 8:22
13 Pueblo mulato, for soprano, oboe, guitar, double bass, percussion & piano (3 songs on poems by Nicolás Guillén) - Canto Negro 2:00
14 Pueblo mulato, for soprano, oboe, guitar, double bass, percussion & piano (3 songs on poems by Nicolás Guillén) - Organillo 2:54
15 Pueblo mulato, for soprano, oboe, guitar, double bass, percussion & piano (3 songs on poems by Nicolás Guillén) - Quirino 1:28

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