Praise to the Holiest: Hymns from Saint Paul's Parish, K Street, Washington D.C.

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche ()
Label Pro Organo
Erschienen 1998

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 The Strife is o'er, the battle done (tune Victory after Palestrina) (New English Hymnal 119) 7:55
2 The King of love my Shepherd is (tune St. Columba) (457) 6:39
3 O blest Creator of the light (tune Lucis Creator), No. 150 14:31
4 He is risen, he is risen (tune Unser Herrscher) 4:19
5 O gladsome light, hymn 2:35
6 I vow to thee, my country, for chorus & orchestra, H. 148 3:53
7 O love, how deep, how broad, how high (tune Schein's Eisenach) No. 425 6:15
8 Praise to the Holiest in the height (Tune: Richmond) 6:32
9 Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten 2:38
10 Abide with me (Tune: Eventide) 5:42
11 Te lucis ante terminum, compline hymn in mode 8 (Liber Usualis No. 266) 1:42
12 Christ is Made the Sure Foundation, hymn set to a theme by Purcell 8:22

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 The Strife is o'er, the battle done (tune Victory after Palestrina) (New English Hymnal 119) 7:55
2 The King of love my Shepherd is (tune St. Columba) (457) 6:39
3 O blest Creator of the light (tune Lucis Creator), No. 150 14:31
4 He is risen, he is risen (tune Unser Herrscher) 4:19
5 O gladsome light, hymn 2:35
6 I vow to thee, my country, for chorus & orchestra, H. 148 3:53
7 O love, how deep, how broad, how high (tune Schein's Eisenach) No. 425 6:15
8 Praise to the Holiest in the height (Tune: Richmond) 6:32
9 Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten 2:38
10 Abide with me (Tune: Eventide) 5:42
11 Te lucis ante terminum, compline hymn in mode 8 (Liber Usualis No. 266) 1:42
12 Christ is Made the Sure Foundation, hymn set to a theme by Purcell 8:22

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