Jeno Kenessey: Gold and the Woman

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Hungaroton
Erschienen 2001

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera 63:16

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Scene 1, "It's getting late" 9:31
2 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Scene 2, "Someone's been banging at the door for an hour" 2:20
3 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Scene 3, "Here is the brave champion" 2:38
4 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Scene 4, "Are you looking for me?" 5:14
5 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Scene 5, "I've brought you some wine from the cellar" 2:53
6 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Romance, "I have seen the sea" 3:33
7 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Scene 6, "My lord, someone is banging at the door" 1:34
8 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Scene 7, "Soldier, I'd like to know your name!" 4:08
9 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Scene 8, "Anna!" 2:54
10 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Actors' Scene 1:45
11 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - First Actor's Song, "My honoured lords" 1:49
12 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Second Actor's Song, "The title of the play" 2:45
13 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Rotarides' Song, "Once there was a poor soldier" 2:40
14 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Gold-casting Scene, "Slow down, champion" 2:37
15 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Anna's Romance, "See, I have undone my hair" 2:28
16 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Accepting the counterfeits coin, "Here are the dollars I give them to you" 4:40
17 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Rotaride's Arrest, "And now we'll quench the fire" 5:03
18 Gold and the Woman (Arany meg az asszony), opera - Final Scene, "A burgher most defend his home" 4:44

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