In the arms of the beloved: Music of Richard Danielpour

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label Koch Records
Erschienen 2003

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 A Child's Reliquary, for violin, cello & piano 26:36
2 In the Arms of the Beloved, double concerto for violin, cello & orchestra 26:20

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 A Child's Reliquary, for violin, cello & piano - Moderato, un poco misteroso 6:50
2 A Child's Reliquary, for violin, cello & piano - Vivace e leggiero 8:25
3 A Child's Reliquary, for violin, cello & piano - Adagietto 11:21
4 In the Arms of the Beloved, double concerto for violin, cello & orchestra - Introduction. Moderato, un poco misteroso 4:48
5 In the Arms of the Beloved, double concerto for violin, cello & orchestra - Ritual Dances. Con moto, un poco agitato 7:45
6 In the Arms of the Beloved, double concerto for violin, cello & orchestra - Cadenza - Dialogue. L'Istesso tempo 3:21
7 In the Arms of the Beloved, double concerto for violin, cello & orchestra - Arietta. Adagio 10:26

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