Gould: Diversions/Ward: Concerto/Peck: Upward Stream

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Koch Intl Classics
Erschienen 1996

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Derivations for clarinet & band 19:05
2 Concerto for saxophone & orchestra 14:15
3 The Upward Stream, for saxophone & orchestra 19:33

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Derivations for clarinet & band - Recitatives and Preludes 3:45
1 Derivations for clarinet & band - Recitatives and Preludes 3:45
2 Derivations for clarinet & band - Serenades and Arts 3:58
2 Derivations for clarinet & band - Serenades and Arts 3:58
3 Derivations for clarinet & band - Rags and Waltzes 2:44
3 Derivations for clarinet & band - Rags and Waltzes 2:44
4 Derivations for clarinet & band - Ballads and Lovenotes 3:12
4 Derivations for clarinet & band - Ballads and Lovenotes 3:12
5 Derivations for clarinet & band - Quicksteps and trios 5:26
5 Derivations for clarinet & band - Quicksteps and trios 5:26
6 Concerto for saxophone & orchestra - Movement 1: Lento 4:24
6 Concerto for saxophone & orchestra - Movement 1: Lento 4:24
7 Concerto for saxophone & orchestra - Movement 2: Allegro 9:51
7 Concerto for saxophone & orchestra - Movement 2: Allegro 9:51
8 The Upward Stream, for saxophone & orchestra - Adagietto 4:36
8 The Upward Stream, for saxophone & orchestra - Adagietto 4:36
9 The Upward Stream, for saxophone & orchestra - Allegro; Adagietto 8:25
9 The Upward Stream, for saxophone & orchestra - Allegro; Adagietto 8:25
10 The Upward Stream, for saxophone & orchestra - Allegro molto 6:32
10 The Upward Stream, for saxophone & orchestra - Allegro molto 6:32

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