Gershwin: Rhapsody; Porgy and Bess

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Opus 111
Erschienen 1992

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Rhapsody in Blue, for piano & jazz band 16:56
2 Preludes (3) for piano 6:32
3 Cuban Overture 11:46
4 Porgy and Bess, opera: Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 29:33

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Rhapsody in Blue, for piano & jazz band 16:56
2 Preludes (3) for piano - No. 1, in B flat major 1:38
3 Preludes (3) for piano - No. 2, in C sharp minor 3:22
4 Preludes (3) for piano - No. 3, in E flat minor 1:32
5 Cuban Overture 11:46
6 Porgy and Bess, opera - Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 4:31
7 Porgy and Bess, opera - Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 3:56
8 Porgy and Bess, opera - Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 4:56
9 Porgy and Bess, opera - Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 2:34
10 Porgy and Bess, opera - Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 3:32
11 Porgy and Bess, opera - Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 3:26
12 Porgy and Bess, opera - Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 3:52
13 Porgy and Bess, opera - Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 2:46

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