Anything Goes: Rebecca Luker Sings Cole Porter

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Varèse Sarabande

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Anything Goes, song (from "Anything Goes")   -
2 After you, who?, song (from "Gay Divorce")   -
3 Night and day, song (from "Gay Divorce")   -
4 Ridin' high, song (from "Red, Hot and Blue")   -
5 True love, song (from "High Society")   -
6 Leader of the big-time band, song (from "Something for the Boys")   -
7 You do something to me, song (from "Fifty Million Frenchmen")   -
8 Dream-dancing, song (from "You'll Never Get Rich")   -
9 I am loved, song (from "Out of this World")   -
10 Ah, Fong Lo!, song (from "Hitchy-Koo of 1922")   -
11 Where, oh where?, song (from "Out of This World")   -
12 Don't fence me in, song (from "Adios Argentina")   -
13 In the still of the night, song (from "Rosalie")   -
14 I like pretty things, song (from "Mississippi Belle")   -
15 Every time we say goodbye, song (from "Seven Lively Arts")   -

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Anything Goes, song (from "Anything Goes")   -
2 After you, who?, song (from "Gay Divorce")   -
3 Night and day, song (from "Gay Divorce")   -
4 Ridin' high, song (from "Red, Hot and Blue")   -
5 True love, song (from "High Society")   -
6 Leader of the big-time band, song (from "Something for the Boys")   -
7 You do something to me, song (from "Fifty Million Frenchmen")   -
8 Dream-dancing, song (from "You'll Never Get Rich")   -
9 I am loved, song (from "Out of this World")   -
10 Ah, Fong Lo!, song (from "Hitchy-Koo of 1922")   -
11 Where, oh where?, song (from "Out of This World")   -
12 Don't fence me in, song (from "Adios Argentina")   -
13 In the still of the night, song (from "Rosalie")   -
14 I like pretty things, song (from "Mississippi Belle")   -
15 Every time we say goodbye, song (from "Seven Lively Arts")   -

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