
Artist University of North Texas
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label Mark Custom Recording

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Diversions, for symphonic band 15:50
2 Pastoral Nocturne, for symphonic band 9:54
3 American Gospel Songs (5) for soprano & wind ensemble 9:55
4 An American Elegy, for symphonic band 10:52
5 Bugs, suite for symphonic band 14:43

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Diversions, for symphonic band 15:50
2 Pastoral Nocturne, for symphonic band 9:54
3 American Gospel Songs (5) for soprano & wind ensemble - His Eye is On the Sparrow 4:31
4 American Gospel Songs (5) for soprano & wind ensemble - Amazing Grace 2:41
5 American Gospel Songs (5) for soprano & wind ensemble - Shall We Gather at the River 2:43
6 An American Elegy, for symphonic band 10:52
7 Bugs, suite for symphonic band - Prelude 1:42
8 Bugs, suite for symphonic band - Dragonfly 2:15
9 Bugs, suite for symphonic band - Praying Mantis 3:07
10 Bugs, suite for symphonic band - Black Widow Spider 2:18
11 Bugs, suite for symphonic band - Tiger Swallowtail 2:48
12 Bugs, suite for symphonic band - Army Ants 2:33

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