
Artist Quintonic Brass
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Romantische Musik (1820-1869)
Label Extraplatte
Erschienen 2004

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Suite bergamasque, for piano, L. 75 17:25
2 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Marche royale du Lion 1:46
3 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Poules et Coqs 0:52
4 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Tortues 1:23
5 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: L'Éléphant 1:27
6 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Kangourous 0:41
7 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Aquarium 1:53
8 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Personnages à longues oreilles 0:33
9 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Le coucou au fond des bois 1:52
10 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Volière 1:25
11 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Fossiles 1:17
12 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Le Cygne 2:34
13 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Final 2:13
14 Valses (8) nobles et sentimentales, for piano (or orchestra) 14:56
15 Le petit âne blanc, for voice & piano (or orchestra) 2:11
16 Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville), opera: Sinfonia 7:31
17 Tiger Rag 2:30

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Suite bergamasque, for piano, L. 75 - Prélude 4:14
2 Suite bergamasque, for piano, L. 75 - Menuet 4:15
3 Suite bergamasque, for piano, L. 75 - Clair de lune 4:57
4 Suite bergamasque, for piano, L. 75 - Passepied 3:59
5 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Marche royale du Lion 1:46
6 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Poules et Coqs :52
7 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Tortues 1:23
8 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - L'Éléphant 1:27
9 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Kangourous :41
10 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Aquarium 1:53
11 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Personnages à longues oreilles :33
12 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Le coucou au fond des bois 1:52
13 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Volière 1:25
14 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Fossiles 1:17
15 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Le Cygne 2:34
16 Carnival of the Animals, zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble - Final 2:13
17 Valses (8) nobles et sentimentales, for piano (or orchestra) - Modéré - très franc :59
18 Valses (8) nobles et sentimentales, for piano (or orchestra) - Assez lent 2:15
19 Valses (8) nobles et sentimentales, for piano (or orchestra) - Modéré 1:22
20 Valses (8) nobles et sentimentales, for piano (or orchestra) - Assez animé 1:19
21 Valses (8) nobles et sentimentales, for piano (or orchestra) - Presque lent 1:17
22 Valses (8) nobles et sentimentales, for piano (or orchestra) - Vif 1:01
23 Valses (8) nobles et sentimentales, for piano (or orchestra) - Moins vif 3:00
24 Valses (8) nobles et sentimentales, for piano (or orchestra) - Epilogue - lent 3:43
25 Le petit âne blanc, for voice & piano (or orchestra) 2:11
26 Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville), opera - Sinfonia 7:31
27 Tiger Rag 2:30

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