Violin Concerto "Butterfly Lovers"; Piano Concerto "Yellow River"; Etc.

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Hugo
Erschienen 1999

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Violin Concerto ("Butterfly Lovers") 0:00
2 Yellow River Concerto for piano & orchestra 0:00
3 Inner Mongolian Suite (Suiyuan Suite), for violin & piano, Op. 9 0:00

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Violin Concerto ("Butterfly Lovers") - Introduction and Theme   -
2 Violin Concerto ("Butterfly Lovers") - Study Together   -
3 Violin Concerto ("Butterfly Lovers") - Parting at Pavillion   -
4 Violin Concerto ("Butterfly Lovers") - Opposition to an Arranged Marriage   -
5 Violin Concerto ("Butterfly Lovers") - Meeting in the Chamber   -
6 Violin Concerto ("Butterfly Lovers") - The Death of LIANG, ZHU Throws Herself into the Grave   -
7 Violin Concerto ("Butterfly Lovers") - Tansformation into Butterflies, Coda   -
8 Yellow River Concerto for piano & orchestra - Song of the Yellow River Boatman   -
9 Yellow River Concerto for piano & orchestra - Ode to the Yellow River   -
10 Yellow River Concerto for piano & orchestra - Yellow River Ditty   -
11 Yellow River Concerto for piano & orchestra - Defend the Yellow River   -
12 Inner Mongolian Suite (Suiyuan Suite), for violin & piano, Op. 9 - Rondo No.1   -
13 Inner Mongolian Suite (Suiyuan Suite), for violin & piano, Op. 9 - Nostalgia   -
14 Inner Mongolian Suite (Suiyuan Suite), for violin & piano, Op. 9 - Dance beyond the Frontier   -

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