The Maids

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label Phono Suecia
Erschienen 1996

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 The Maids, opera 65:51

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 The Maids, opera - Scene 1.: Introduction 2:37
2 The Maids, opera - Scene 1.: Madame pesters the Maid 5:11
3 The Maids, opera - Scene 1.: Dramatic outburst 2:39
4 The Maids, opera - Scene 1.: The Maid humiliates Madame 2:28
5 The Maids, opera - Scene 1.: The Maid oversteps the limit 2:52
6 The Maids, opera - Scene 1.: Film music :43
7 The Maids, opera - Scene 2.: Back to reality 1:23
8 The Maids, opera - Scene 2.: Solange's lament 2:58
9 The Maids, opera - Scene 2.: Claire's dream aria 3:10
10 The Maids, opera - Scene 2.: Revolt in the prison 1:24
11 The Maids, opera - Scene 2.: United in hatred 2:24
12 The Maids, opera - Scene 2.: Crime plans interrupted 2:57
13 The Maids, opera - Scene 2.: Nocturne 2:55
14 The Maids, opera - Scene 2.: The revolt awakens again 1:11
15 The Maids, opera - Scene 2.: Madame approaches :34
16 The Maids, opera - Scene 3.: Madame's aria 6:27
17 The Maids, opera - Scene 3.: "The tea" 1:09
18 The Maids, opera - Scene 3.: Madame's panic aria :43
19 The Maids, opera - Scene 3.: Murder duet 3:35
20 The Maids, opera - Scene 3.: Murder duet 1:00
21 The Maids, opera - Scene 4.: Failure 1:22
22 The Maids, opera - Scene 4.: The Film begins again 4:13
23 The Maids, opera - Scene 4.: The film must be played to its end :35
24 The Maids, opera - Scene 4.: Solane's aria of triumph 6:04
25 The Maids, opera - Scene 4.: Claire goes through with the end 1:26
26 The Maids, opera - Scene 4.: The Black Mass: Hypnotic antiphon 2:35
27 The Maids, opera - Scene 4.: The tragic end 1:16

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