Robert Schumann: Symphonic Etudes; Piano Sonata No. 2; Intermezzie Op. 4; Toccata Op. 7

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Romantische Musik (1820-1869)
Label Conifer
Erschienen 1994

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Piano Sonata No. 2 in G minor, Op. 22   -
2 Intermezzi (6) for piano (Pièces phantastiques), Op. 4   -
3 Symphonic Etudes ("Etudes in the form of variations") for piano (2 versions), Op. 13   -
4 Symphonic Etudes in Variation Form (5), for piano (variants & corrections of Op. 13), WoO 6   -
5 Symphonic Etudes ("Etudes in the form of variations") for piano (2 versions), Op. 13   -
6 Toccata for piano in C major, Op. 7   -
7 Symphony No. 1 in D major ("Titan"): Unspecified excerpt 7:44
8 Intermezzo for piano in E major, Op. 116/4 4:23
9 Intermezzo for piano in E minor, Op. 116/5 2:58
10 Prelude and Fugue, for keyboard No. 8 in E flat minor (WTC I/8), BWV 853 (BC L87) 9:03

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Piano Sonata No. 2 in G minor, Op. 22   -
2 Intermezzi (6) for piano (Pièces phantastiques), Op. 4   -
3 Symphonic Etudes ("Etudes in the form of variations") for piano (2 versions), Op. 13   -
4 Symphonic Etudes in Variation Form (5), for piano (variants & corrections of Op. 13), WoO 6   -
5 Symphonic Etudes ("Etudes in the form of variations") for piano (2 versions), Op. 13   -
6 Toccata for piano in C major, Op. 7   -
7 Symphony No. 1 in D major ("Titan") 7:44
8 Intermezzo for piano in E major, Op. 116/4 4:23
9 Intermezzo for piano in E minor, Op. 116/5 2:58
10 Prelude and Fugue, for keyboard No. 8 in E flat minor (WTC I/8), BWV 853 (BC L87) 9:03

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