Prokofiev: Summer Day; Peter and the Wolf; Winter Bonfire; Symphony No. 7

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label CBC Records
Erschienen 1992

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Summer Day, suite for orchestra, Op. 65 bis 31:22
2 Peter and the Wolf, children's tale for narrator & orchestra, Op. 67 26:48
3 Winter Bonfire, suite for narrator, boy's chorus & orchestra, Op. 122 26:09
4 Symphony No. 7 in C sharp minor, Op. 131 31:12

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Summer Day, suite for orchestra, Op. 65 bis 31:22
2 Peter and the Wolf, children's tale for narrator & orchestra, Op. 67 26:48
3 Winter Bonfire, suite for narrator, boy's chorus & orchestra, Op. 122 26:09
4 Symphony No. 7 in C sharp minor, Op. 131 - 1. Moderato 9:25
5 Symphony No. 7 in C sharp minor, Op. 131 - 2. Allegreto-Allegro 7:31
6 Symphony No. 7 in C sharp minor, Op. 131 - 3. Andante espressivo 5:21
7 Symphony No. 7 in C sharp minor, Op. 131 - 4. Vivace-Moderato marcato 8:55

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