Novak: Orchestral Works

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Supraphon
Erschienen 1992

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Eternal Longing (O Vecné Touze), symphonic poem for orchestra, Op. 33 20:53
2 V Tatrách, symphonic poem for orchestra, Op 26 16:45
3 Moravian-Slovak Suite, for small orchestra, Op 32 27:19

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Eternal Longing (O Vecné Touze), symphonic poem for orchestra, Op. 33 20:53
2 V Tatrách, symphonic poem for orchestra, Op 26 16:45
3 Moravian-Slovak Suite, for small orchestra, Op 32 - No. 1: in the Church 7:17
4 Moravian-Slovak Suite, for small orchestra, Op 32 - No. 2: Among Children 3:36
5 Moravian-Slovak Suite, for small orchestra, Op 32 - No. 3 , The Amorous Couple 4:11
6 Moravian-Slovak Suite, for small orchestra, Op 32 - No. 4 , The Country Musicians 4:43
7 Moravian-Slovak Suite, for small orchestra, Op 32 - No. 5, At Night 7:32

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