Nascimbene: The Vikings; Solomon and Sheba (Original Soundtracks)

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche ()
Label Legend
Erschienen 1996

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 The Vikings, film score 44:36
2 Solomon and Sheba, film score 19:22

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 The Vikings, film score - Violences and Rapes of the Vikings (Violenze Stupri Dei Vichinghi)   -
2 The Vikings, film score - Regnar Returns (Ritorno Di Regnar)   -
3 The Vikings, film score - Drunk's Song/Eric Is Rescued by Odin's Daughters/Morgana Is Captured (C   -
4 The Vikings, film score - Dancing the Oars (Danza Sui Remi)   -
5 The Vikings, film score - Eric and Morgana Escape/Love Scene (Fuga Di Eric E Morgana/Scena d'Amor   -
6 The Vikings, film score - Aella Cuts off Eric's Hand (Aella Taglia la Mano Ad Eric)   -
7 The Vikings, film score - Voyage and Landing in Britain (Viaggio Die Vichinghi E Sbarco in Inghil   -
8 The Vikings, film score - Vikings Attack the Castle/Battle and Death of Aella (I Vichinghi Attacc   -
9 The Vikings, film score - Duel/Eric Kills Einar (Duello/Eric Uccide Einar   -
10 The Vikings, film score - Funeral/End Titles (Funerale/Titoli Di Coda)   -
11 Solomon and Sheba, film score - Main Titles (Titoli Di Testa)   -
12 Solomon and Sheba, film score - Death of David (Morte Di Davide)   -
13 Solomon and Sheba, film score - Solomon in the Temple (Salomone Nel Tempio)   -
14 Solomon and Sheba, film score - Orgiastic Dance (Danza Orgiastica)   -
15 Solomon and Sheba, film score - Death of Abishag (Morte Di Abishag)   -
16 Solomon and Sheba, film score - Battle (Battaglia)   -
17 Solomon and Sheba, film score - Solomon Lifts Sheba (Salomone Solleva Sheba)   -
18 Solomon and Sheba, film score - Purification and Finale (Purificazione E Finale)   -

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