Mostel: Blood on the Moon

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Digital Fossils
Erschienen 1987

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 The River, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble & percussion 17:38
2 Swiftly, How Swiftly, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble with ram's horns, shakuhachi, Tibetan trumpets & percussion: Part 1, Invocation 3:57
3 Swiftly, How Swiftly, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble with ram's horns, shakuhachi, Tibetan trumpets & percussion: Part 2, Wide World Waiting 6:11
4 Swiftly, How Swiftly, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble with ram's horns, shakuhachi, Tibetan trumpets & percussion: Part 3, The River 1:31
5 Swiftly, How Swiftly, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble with ram's horns, shakuhachi, Tibetan trumpets & percussion: Part 4, Swiftly, How Swiftly... 5:05
6 Swiftly, How Swiftly, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble with ram's horns, shakuhachi, Tibetan trumpets & percussion: Part 5, Blood on the Moon 7:06
7 Swiftly, How Swiftly, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble with ram's horns, shakuhachi, Tibetan trumpets & percussion: Part 6, The Eternal Return 3:42

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 The River, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble & percussion 17:38
2 Swiftly, How Swiftly, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble with ram's horns, shakuhachi, Tibetan trumpets & percussion 3:57
3 Swiftly, How Swiftly, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble with ram's horns, shakuhachi, Tibetan trumpets & percussion 6:11
4 Swiftly, How Swiftly, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble with ram's horns, shakuhachi, Tibetan trumpets & percussion 1:31
5 Swiftly, How Swiftly, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble with ram's horns, shakuhachi, Tibetan trumpets & percussion 5:05
6 Swiftly, How Swiftly, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble with ram's horns, shakuhachi, Tibetan trumpets & percussion 7:06
7 Swiftly, How Swiftly, for Tibeten singing bowl ensemble with ram's horns, shakuhachi, Tibetan trumpets & percussion 3:42

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