Mayer: A death in the family

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Albany Music
Erschienen 2000

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 A Death in the Family, opera 118:10

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 A Death in the Family, opera - Act One: Prologue: Every Time The Sun Goes Down 4:14
2 A Death in the Family, opera - Act One Scene One: Hey, Little Boy 2:40
3 A Death in the Family, opera - Act One, Scene Two: One Mother 4:29
4 A Death in the Family, opera - Act One, Aria: Gone, The Mountains, The Shady Hills 2:31
5 A Death in the Family, opera - Act One, Scene Three: Damn 5:08
6 A Death in the Family, opera - Act One: What A Lovely Night 9:00
7 A Death in the Family, opera - Act One, Scene Four: They're Here! 9:29
8 A Death in the Family, opera - Act One: By Golly, That's It! 6:22
9 A Death in the Family, opera - Act One, Scene Five: Lord, How My Baby Has Grown 1:38
10 A Death in the Family, opera - Act One, Scene Six: Hi, Mama! 8:02
11 A Death in the Family, opera - Act Two, Scene One: Ah! Child 2:42
12 A Death in the Family, opera - Act Two: Daddy! 6:28
13 A Death in the Family, opera - Act Two: Who Is It? 4:41
14 A Death in the Family, opera - Act Two, Scene Two: Now Who The Hell At This Hour? 9:56
15 A Death in the Family, opera - Act Two, Scene Three: Nashly, Calling Nashly 4:22
16 A Death in the Family, opera - Act Three, Scene One: Why Doesn't He Come? 8:17
17 A Death in the Family, opera - Act Three Scene Two: Mary, Mother Of God 6:57
18 A Death in the Family, opera - Act Three: Who Shall Tell The Sorrow? 6:23
19 A Death in the Family, opera - Act Three, Scene Three: My Daddy's Dead 6:32
20 A Death in the Family, opera - Act Three, Scene Four: Priggish, Mealy-Mouthed 4:51
21 A Death in the Family, opera - Act Three, Scene Five: Look At The Basin 3:28

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