Max Helfman: Di Naye Hagode; Hag Habikkurim; The Holy Ark

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche ()
Label Naxos
Erschienen 2006

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra 42:06
2 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir 17:29
3 The Holy Ark (Torah Service), for cantor, choir & orchestra 12:14

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration 1:40
1 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration 1:40
2 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Ma Nishtano 5:06
2 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Ma Nishtano 5:06
3 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Gebentsht 1:15
3 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Gebentsht 1:15
4 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Riboyne-Sheloylem 4:07
4 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Riboyne-Sheloylem 4:07
5 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :21
5 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :21
6 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - A Linder April 3:37
6 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - A Linder April 3:37
7 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Vet Kumen? :31
7 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Vet Kumen? :31
8 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Vet Kumen? (continued) :38
8 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Vet Kumen? (continued) :38
9 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :14
9 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :14
10 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Un Oyb s'vet nor a Minyen Farblaybn 1:57
10 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Un Oyb s'vet nor a Minyen Farblaybn 1:57
11 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Di Shlakht :34
11 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Di Shlakht :34
12 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Zey Zaynen Gekumen 4:18
12 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Zey Zaynen Gekumen 4:18
13 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :31
13 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :31
14 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Dos Yingl 2:12
14 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Dos Yingl 2:12
15 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :26
15 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :26
16 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Di Fon 4:05
16 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Di Fon 4:05
17 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Der Toyt 1:53
17 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Der Toyt 1:53
18 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :24
18 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :24
19 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Shfoykh Khamoskho :53
19 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Shfoykh Khamoskho :53
20 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :27
20 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :27
21 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Rum un Gevure 2:01
21 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Rum un Gevure 2:01
22 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :31
22 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Narration :31
23 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Aza der Gebot Iz 4:25
23 Di Naye Hagode, a choral tone Poem of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, for narrator, choir & orchestra - Aza der Gebot Iz 4:25
24 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - I. El Hakfar (after Mordechai Zeira) 2:20
24 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - I. El Hakfar (after Mordechai Zeira) 2:20
25 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - II. Uru Ahim (after Emanuel Amiran) 3:04
25 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - II. Uru Ahim (after Emanuel Amiran) 3:04
26 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - III. Salleinu al k'Tefeinu (after Yedidia Admon) 1:06
26 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - III. Salleinu al k'Tefeinu (after Yedidia Admon) 1:06
27 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - IV. Atzei Zeitim Omdim 1:36
27 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - IV. Atzei Zeitim Omdim 1:36
28 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - V. Shirat Hashomer (Holem tsa'adi) (after Mordechai Zeira) 2:21
28 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - V. Shirat Hashomer (Holem tsa'adi) (after Mordechai Zeira) 2:21
29 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - VI. Bagalil (Alei giva) (after Nahum Nardi) 2:15
29 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - VI. Bagalil (Alei giva) (after Nahum Nardi) 2:15
30 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - VII. Hazzor'im b'Dim'a (after Mattityahu Shelem) :33
30 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - VII. Hazzor'im b'Dim'a (after Mattityahu Shelem) :33
31 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - VIII. Shir Lanamal (after Mordechai Zeira) 1:50
31 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - VIII. Shir Lanamal (after Mordechai Zeira) 1:50
32 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - IX. El Hakfar (after Mordechai Zeira) (Reprise) 2:24
32 Hag Habikkurim (Festival of First Fruits - A Pageant for Shavuot), for choir - IX. El Hakfar (after Mordechai Zeira) (Reprise) 2:24
33 The Holy Ark (Torah Service), for cantor, choir & orchestra - Vay'hi Binso'a 1:31
33 The Holy Ark (Torah Service), for cantor, choir & orchestra - Vay'hi Binso'a 1:31
34 The Holy Ark (Torah Service), for cantor, choir & orchestra - Barukh Shennatan Torah :37
34 The Holy Ark (Torah Service), for cantor, choir & orchestra - Barukh Shennatan Torah :37
35 The Holy Ark (Torah Service), for cantor, choir & orchestra - Adonai, Adonai 4:59
35 The Holy Ark (Torah Service), for cantor, choir & orchestra - Adonai, Adonai 4:59
36 The Holy Ark (Torah Service), for cantor, choir & orchestra - Va'ani t'Fillati 1:10
36 The Holy Ark (Torah Service), for cantor, choir & orchestra - Va'ani t'Fillati 1:10
37 The Holy Ark (Torah Service), for cantor, choir & orchestra - Ki Lekah Tov / Etz Hayyim / Hashiveinu 3:57
37 The Holy Ark (Torah Service), for cantor, choir & orchestra - Ki Lekah Tov / Etz Hayyim / Hashiveinu 3:57

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