ICMA Commissions 1997-1999

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label Centaur Records
Erschienen 2001

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Expanse Hotel, for electroacoustic sounds 11:28
2 Microclimate 1: Snow and Instability, for percussion, double bass, alto flute & electroacoustic sounds 17:29
3 Lizard Point, version for two-channel tape 18:58
4 Concerto for Ensemble and Electronic Sounds 13:03
5 Breath and the Machine, for two-channel tape 13:22

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Expanse Hotel, for electroacoustic sounds - Storm 3:18
2 Expanse Hotel, for electroacoustic sounds - Horse Drama 1:42
3 Expanse Hotel, for electroacoustic sounds - Orient Express 2:25
4 Expanse Hotel, for electroacoustic sounds - Exotic Beach 2:07
5 Expanse Hotel, for electroacoustic sounds - Lost Moments 1:56
6 Microclimate 1: Snow and Instability, for percussion, double bass, alto flute & electroacoustic sounds 17:29
7 Lizard Point, version for two-channel tape 18:58
8 Concerto for Ensemble and Electronic Sounds 13:03
9 Breath and the Machine, for two-channel tape 13:22

Bewertungen zu ICMA Commissions 1997-1999

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