Harold Friedell: In The Spirit's Tether, Choral & Instrumental Music

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Pro Organo
Erschienen 1999

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Psalm 25, anthem 11:14
2 Prelude on St. Columba, for organ 5:56
3 Modal Communion Service 8:50
4 Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether, anthem for chorus 3:46
5 Eight Orisons, choral prayers: Day by Day 0:45
6 Eight Orisons, choral prayers: I have but myself to give 0:31
7 Eight Orisons, choral prayers: Let thy merciful ears 0:52
8 Eight Orisons, choral prayers: Save us, O Lord 1:03
9 Eight Orisons, choral prayers: Saw you never in the twilight 1:51
10 Psalm 121, for soprano & organ 4:04
11 The Way to Jerusalem, anthem 7:10
12 Lullaby, for organ 2:25
13 Thou Son of God on Christmas Day, for chorus (from "The Feast of the Star", Epiphany pageant) 2:38
14 The shepherds had an angel, hymn 1:45
15 Sweet little Jesu, Christmas anthem 2:50
16 Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F major 6:52
17 Elegy for harp, violin & organ, postlude 5:02

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Psalm 25, anthem 11:14
2 Prelude on St. Columba, for organ 5:56
3 Modal Communion Service - Kyrie 1:01
4 Modal Communion Service - Gloria 2:17
5 Modal Communion Service - Gloria tibi :46
6 Modal Communion Service - Sursum Corda and Sanctus-Benedictus 3:01
7 Modal Communion Service - Agnus Dei 1:45
8 Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether, anthem for chorus 3:46
9 Eight Orisons, choral prayers - Day by Day :45
10 Eight Orisons, choral prayers - I have but myself to give :31
11 Eight Orisons, choral prayers - Let thy merciful ears :52
12 Eight Orisons, choral prayers - Save us, O Lord 1:03
13 Eight Orisons, choral prayers - Saw you never in the twilight 1:51
14 Psalm 121, for soprano & organ 4:04
15 The Way to Jerusalem, anthem 7:10
16 Lullaby, for organ 2:25
17 Thou Son of God on Christmas Day, for chorus (from "The Feast of the Star", Epiphany pageant) 2:38
18 The shepherds had an angel, hymn 1:45
19 Sweet little Jesu, Christmas anthem 2:50
20 Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F major 6:52
21 Elegy for harp, violin & organ, postlude 5:02

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