Earl Kim: Vocal Works

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label New World Records
Erschienen 2001

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Exercises en Route, songs for voice & ensemble 28:48
2 Now and Then, songs for voice, flute, viola & harp 7:56
3 Poems (3) in French, for voice & string quartet 13:12
4 Dear Linda, for narrator, flute/piccolo, piano & percussion 10:03

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Exercises en Route, songs for voice & ensemble - dead calm 5:24
1 Exercises en Route, songs for voice & ensemble - dead calm 5:24
2 Exercises en Route, songs for voice & ensemble - they are far out 6:37
2 Exercises en Route, songs for voice & ensemble - they are far out 6:37
3 Exercises en Route, songs for voice & ensemble - gooseberries, she said 5:04
3 Exercises en Route, songs for voice & ensemble - gooseberries, she said 5:04
4 Exercises en Route, songs for voice & ensemble - rattling on 11:43
4 Exercises en Route, songs for voice & ensemble - rattling on 11:43
5 Now and Then, songs for voice, flute, viola & harp - On the meadow 1:44
5 Now and Then, songs for voice, flute, viola & harp - On the meadow 1:44
6 Now and Then, songs for voice, flute, viola & harp - thither :38
6 Now and Then, songs for voice, flute, viola & harp - thither :38
7 Now and Then, songs for voice, flute, viola & harp - Roundelay 3:03
7 Now and Then, songs for voice, flute, viola & harp - Roundelay 3:03
8 Now and Then, songs for voice, flute, viola & harp - thither (reprise) :38
8 Now and Then, songs for voice, flute, viola & harp - thither (reprise) :38
9 Now and Then, songs for voice, flute, viola & harp - Among the Deepening Shades 1:53
9 Now and Then, songs for voice, flute, viola & harp - Among the Deepening Shades 1:53
10 Poems (3) in French, for voice & string quartet - En Sourdine 3:37
10 Poems (3) in French, for voice & string quartet - En Sourdine 3:37
11 Poems (3) in French, for voice & string quartet - Recueillement 4:00
11 Poems (3) in French, for voice & string quartet - Recueillement 4:00
12 Poems (3) in French, for voice & string quartet - Colloque Sentimental 5:35
12 Poems (3) in French, for voice & string quartet - Colloque Sentimental 5:35
13 Dear Linda, for narrator, flute/piccolo, piano & percussion 10:03
13 Dear Linda, for narrator, flute/piccolo, piano & percussion 10:03

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