Dialogues: American Music for Flute and Organ

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label Musicians Showcase
Erschienen 2001

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Suite in Classical Style, for flute & organ 9:48
2 Pastorale for flute & organ 6:29
3 Sonata for flute & organ 8:09
4 Sumer is..., for flute & organ 5:52
5 Christmas Music for flute & organ 9:14
6 The Dove Descending, for flute & organ 11:52
7 Aria and Scherzo, for flute & organ 7:31
8 Fantasy on "Slane" for flute & organ 6:17
9 Dialogues for flute (or other treble instrument) & organ 7:53

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Suite in Classical Style, for flute & organ - Rondo 4:11
2 Suite in Classical Style, for flute & organ - Elegy (Siciliano) 3:08
3 Suite in Classical Style, for flute & organ - Allegro Giacoso 2:29
4 Pastorale for flute & organ 6:29
5 Sonata for flute & organ 8:09
6 Sumer is..., for flute & organ 5:52
7 Christmas Music for flute & organ 9:14
8 The Dove Descending, for flute & organ - Caritas (Love) 2:28
9 The Dove Descending, for flute & organ - Gaudium (Joy) 1:01
10 The Dove Descending, for flute & organ - Pax (Peace) 1:52
11 The Dove Descending, for flute & organ - Longanimitas (Patience) 2:06
12 The Dove Descending, for flute & organ - Benignitas (Kindness) :56
13 The Dove Descending, for flute & organ - Bonitas (Goodness) :51
14 The Dove Descending, for flute & organ - Fides (Faith) 2:38
15 Aria and Scherzo, for flute & organ - Aria (May the Lord be gracious to us and bless us) 5:07
16 Aria and Scherzo, for flute & organ - Scherzo (Happy is the soul who trusts in the Lord) 2:24
17 Fantasy on "Slane" for flute & organ 6:17
18 Dialogues for flute (or other treble instrument) & organ 7:53

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