Carter: Emblems/Heart Not So Heavy As Mine/Musicians Wrestle Everywhere/The Harmony Of Morning/Sheng: Two Folk Songs/

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Koch Intl Classics
Erschienen 1994

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Sinfonia come un grande lamento 14:34
2 Folk Songs (2) from Qinghai 11:05
3 Time's Caravan 11:36
4 Der gute Kamerad 9:39
5 Text Settings (4) 11:46
6 Tapestry of Fish for piano (Bayou Reflections) 4:30
7 Intermezzo for piano (Just For Friends) 2:51

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Sinfonia come un grande lamento - Movement 1 3:05
1 Sinfonia come un grande lamento - Movement 1 3:05
2 Sinfonia come un grande lamento - Movement 2 8:40
2 Sinfonia come un grande lamento - Movement 2 8:40
3 Sinfonia come un grande lamento - Movement 3 2:49
3 Sinfonia come un grande lamento - Movement 3 2:49
4 Folk Songs (2) from Qinghai - Morningstar Lily 2:57
4 Folk Songs (2) from Qinghai - Morningstar Lily 2:57
5 Folk Songs (2) from Qinghai - A Pair of Mules 8:08
5 Folk Songs (2) from Qinghai - A Pair of Mules 8:08
6 Time's Caravan 11:36
6 Time's Caravan 11:36
7 Der gute Kamerad 9:39
7 Der gute Kamerad 9:39
8 Text Settings (4) 11:46
8 Text Settings (4) 11:46
9 Tapestry of Fish for piano (Bayou Reflections) 4:30
9 Tapestry of Fish for piano (Bayou Reflections) 4:30
10 Intermezzo for piano (Just For Friends) 2:51
10 Intermezzo for piano (Just For Friends) 2:51

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