Behind the Iron Mask

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche ()
Label GBM Records
Erschienen 2006

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Behind the Iron Mask, musical 53:33

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 1. Tristesse 3:02
2 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 1. Antiphonal Madness 1:24
3 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 1. There is Sweet Music 2:28
4 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 1. Possession - Prelude :39
5 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 1. Do You Look for Love? 1:34
6 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 1. Pearls, Pearls, Pearls 1:15
7 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 1. Touch Me - Prelude 4:10
8 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 1. Darkness 1:43
9 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 1. The Enigma 1:37
10 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 1. You'll Never Leave Here 1:57
11 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 1. Possession 3:59
12 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 2. Prelude to Love / Can't You See 3:46
13 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 2. Turmoil :54
14 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 2. Who's the Prisoner Here? 1:54
15 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 2. Touch Me 3:41
16 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 2. Take Me As I Am 1:39
17 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 2. I'm a Lady / In a Single Moment 4:38
18 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 2. Shadowland of Life / Touch Me - Reprise 4:50
19 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 2. Tristesse 2:51
20 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 2. Where Are You? 2:34
21 Behind the Iron Mask, musical - Act 2. If All This Means Love 2:58

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