Beethoven: Symphony No. 3; Busoni: Turandot for Orchestra

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Vox

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Symphony No. 3 in E flat major ("Eroica"), Op. 55   -
2 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248: Alla marcia   -
3 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248: Truffaldino [Introduction and Grotesque March]   -
4 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248: Altoum's March   -
5 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248: Turandot's March   -
6 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248: Turandot's Chamber   -
7 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248: Dance and Song   -
8 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248: Night Waltz   -
9 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248: Despair and Resignation   -
10 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248: Quasi marcia funebre & Finale alla turca   -
11 Sarabande & Cortège, for orchestra (Zwei Studien zu "Doktor Faust"), Op. 51, KiV 282: Sarabande   -
12 Sarabande & Cortège, for orchestra (Zwei Studien zu "Doktor Faust"), Op. 51, KiV 282: Cortège   -

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Symphony No. 3 in E flat major ("Eroica"), Op. 55   -
2 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248   -
3 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248   -
4 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248   -
5 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248   -
6 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248   -
7 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248   -
8 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248   -
9 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248   -
10 Turandot Suite, for orchestra, Op. 41, KiV 248   -
11 Sarabande & Cortège, for orchestra (Zwei Studien zu "Doktor Faust"), Op. 51, KiV 282   -
12 Sarabande & Cortège, for orchestra (Zwei Studien zu "Doktor Faust"), Op. 51, KiV 282   -

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