Homage to Lou Harrison, Vol. 3

Artist Támmittam Percussion Ensemble
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Dynamic
Erschienen 2001

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Music for Violin and Various Instruments, European, Asian and African 9:59
2 Jahla, in the form of a Ductia to please Leopold Stokowski on his 90th birthday, for harp (or guitar) & percussion 1:50
3 Avalokiteshvara, for harp (or grand psaltery or guitar) & percussion 1:52
4 Music for Bill & Me, for harp or guitar 4:05
5 Beverly's Troubadour Piece, for harp (or guitar) & 2 percussionists 2:36
6 Labryinth No. 3, for 11 percussionists 20:43
7 Songs in the Forest, for flute, piccolo, violin, piano & percussion 8:53
8 Serenade for guitar with optional percussion 12:36
9 Praises for Hummingbirds and Hawks (Suite for Small Orchestra), for chamber ensemble 1:57
10 In Praise of Johnny Appleseed, for 3 percussionists 11:26

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Music for Violin and Various Instruments, European, Asian and African - Allegro, vigoroso 3:11
2 Music for Violin and Various Instruments, European, Asian and African - Largo 3:18
3 Music for Violin and Various Instruments, European, Asian and African - Allegro 3:30
4 Jahla, in the form of a Ductia to please Leopold Stokowski on his 90th birthday, for harp (or guitar) & percussion 1:50
5 Avalokiteshvara, for harp (or grand psaltery or guitar) & percussion 1:52
6 Music for Bill & Me, for harp or guitar 4:05
7 Beverly's Troubadour Piece, for harp (or guitar) & 2 percussionists 2:36
8 Labryinth No. 3, for 11 percussionists - Ode 4:37
9 Labryinth No. 3, for 11 percussionists - Passage Thru Dreams 5:52
10 Labryinth No. 3, for 11 percussionists - Seed 6:34
11 Labryinth No. 3, for 11 percussionists - Image in the Soil 3:40
12 Songs in the Forest, for flute, piccolo, violin, piano & percussion - Slowish 3:12
13 Songs in the Forest, for flute, piccolo, violin, piano & percussion - Fastish 2:25
14 Songs in the Forest, for flute, piccolo, violin, piano & percussion - Largo 3:16
15 Serenade for guitar with optional percussion - Round 2:11
16 Serenade for guitar with optional percussion - Air 3:05
17 Serenade for guitar with optional percussion - Infinite Canon 2:01
18 Serenade for guitar with optional percussion - Usul (little homage to Sinan) 3:10
19 Serenade for guitar with optional percussion - Sonata 2:09
20 Praises for Hummingbirds and Hawks (Suite for Small Orchestra), for chamber ensemble 1:57
21 In Praise of Johnny Appleseed, for 3 percussionists - The Trumpets of Heaven 1:27
22 In Praise of Johnny Appleseed, for 3 percussionists - Seed 1:41
23 In Praise of Johnny Appleseed, for 3 percussionists - Coronation :47
24 In Praise of Johnny Appleseed, for 3 percussionists - The Battle with Bunyan 1:13
25 In Praise of Johnny Appleseed, for 3 percussionists - Fruition 1:15
26 In Praise of Johnny Appleseed, for 3 percussionists - Meeting with the Ancient of Days 1:50
27 In Praise of Johnny Appleseed, for 3 percussionists - Ode :56
28 In Praise of Johnny Appleseed, for 3 percussionists - Whoops for Johnny 2:17

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