Strange harmony Of Love, Vol I

Artist Roberto Gini
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Barock (1600-1749)
Label Stradivarius
Erschienen 1995

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Caduca fiamma, madrigal for voice & ensemble 1:50
2 Qual trascorrendo 2:05
3 Amor, io parto 4:45
4 Filli mia, Filli dolce 2:06
5 Occhi sempre sereni 1:44
6 O pura, o chiara stella (Oh pure, oh bright star) 4:08
7 Strana armonia d'amore (Strange harmony of Love)! 3:22
8 Bella ragion deh dimmi (Fair reason, Alas me tel)l 5:51
9 Ohime, se tanto amate (Alas if so greatly loved) 4:23
10 Donne leggiadre e belle (Comely ladies and fair) 8:24
11 Tu Piangi al mio partire (You weep at my parting) 2:02
12 O che nuovo stupor, motet 6:22
13 O leggiadri occhei belli (Oh graceful, comely eyes) 4:56
14 O begli occhi, o belle chiome (Oh beauteous eyes, oh beauteous locks) 1:18
15 La mia Clori Amorosa (My amorous Clori) 3:53
16 Pargoletta che non sia (Little one that thou knowest not) 3:52
17 E viver e morire (It is to live, it is to die) 4:56
18 Bella mia, questo mio core (My love, this my heart) 1:36

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Caduca fiamma, madrigal for voice & ensemble 1:50
2 Qual trascorrendo 2:05
3 Amor, io parto 4:45
4 Filli mia, Filli dolce 2:06
5 Occhi sempre sereni 1:44
6 O pura, o chiara stella (Oh pure, oh bright star) 4:08
7 Strana armonia d'amore (Strange harmony of Love)! 3:22
8 Bella ragion deh dimmi (Fair reason, Alas me tel)l 5:51
9 Ohime, se tanto amate (Alas if so greatly loved) 4:23
10 Donne leggiadre e belle (Comely ladies and fair) 8:24
11 Tu Piangi al mio partire (You weep at my parting) 2:02
12 O che nuovo stupor, motet 6:22
13 O leggiadri occhei belli (Oh graceful, comely eyes) 4:56
14 O begli occhi, o belle chiome (Oh beauteous eyes, oh beauteous locks) 1:18
15 La mia Clori Amorosa (My amorous Clori) 3:53
16 Pargoletta che non sia (Little one that thou knowest not) 3:52
17 E viver e morire (It is to live, it is to die) 4:56
18 Bella mia, questo mio core (My love, this my heart) 1:36

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