Masterworks of the New Era

Artist Robert Ian Winstin
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label ERM Media
Erschienen 2007

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Freedom Fanfare, for wind ensemble (or brass & percussion) 2:43
2 Terpsichore, dance poem for large orchestra, Op. 7 ("The Whirler, or Muse of Dance") 14:14
3 Tableaux of Katrina, for orchestra 14:45
4 Yet Still Night, for orchestra 6:02
5 Novela (A Little Story), for orchestra 8:17
6 Redwoods Symphony, for orchestra: 1. Melancholia 9:28
7 They Once Were..., a concert overture for orchestra 12:45
8 Elegy for an English Summer, for orchestra 8:35
9 Essay - Homage to Barber, for orchestra, Op. 41 12:01
10 Small Town, for orchestra 6:36
11 Nympheas, for orchestra 3:58
12 Cityscape, for orchestra 10:06
13 Suite for Strings & Guitar: Final Movement 8:37
14 Satires (3), for orchestra 17:40
15 Prelude and Excursion, for orchestral brass 3:49
16 Piano Concerto 20:28
17 Surrounded by Beauty, for orchestra 3:33
18 Double Helix (for Julius Baker), for flute & orchestra 5:59
19 The Trial, for orchestra 10:12
20 Symphony No. 1 28:21

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Freedom Fanfare, for wind ensemble (or brass & percussion) 2:43
2 Terpsichore, dance poem for large orchestra, Op. 7 ("The Whirler, or Muse of Dance") 14:14
3 Tableaux of Katrina, for orchestra - [Part 1] 3:57
4 Tableaux of Katrina, for orchestra - [Part 2] 10:48
5 Yet Still Night, for orchestra 6:02
6 Novela (A Little Story), for orchestra 8:17
7 Redwoods Symphony, for orchestra - 1. Melancholia 9:28
8 They Once Were..., a concert overture for orchestra 12:45
9 Elegy for an English Summer, for orchestra 8:35
10 Essay - Homage to Barber, for orchestra, Op. 41 12:01
11 Small Town, for orchestra 6:36
12 Nympheas, for orchestra 3:58
13 Cityscape, for orchestra 10:06
14 Suite for Strings & Guitar - Final Movement 8:37
15 Satires (3), for orchestra - 1. Roundels 5:58
16 Satires (3), for orchestra - 2. Ritmit 5:57
17 Satires (3), for orchestra - 3. La Valse Twist 5:45
18 Prelude and Excursion, for orchestral brass 3:49
19 Piano Concerto - Movement 1 11:07
20 Piano Concerto - Movement 2 9:21
21 Surrounded by Beauty, for orchestra 3:33
22 Double Helix (for Julius Baker), for flute & orchestra 5:59
23 The Trial, for orchestra 10:12
24 Symphony No. 1 - Movement 1 10:27
25 Symphony No. 1 - Movement 2 17:54

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