Autumn Field: Yearning for the Bell, Vol. 4

Artist Riley Lee
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label Tall Poppies
Erschienen 2000

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Akita Sugagaki (Autumn Field), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 12:00
2 Renbo Nagashi (Intense Yearning), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 8:23
3 Takiochi no Kyoku (Cascading Waterfall), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 9:25
4 Ryugin Koku (Dragon Singing in the Empty Sky), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 6:42
5 Kyushu Reibo (Yearning for the Bell of the Kyûshû Region), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 5:33
6 San'ya (Three Valleys), for shakuhachi (Watazumi Do lineage) 10:15
7 Haechi Gaeshi (Returning the Bowl), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 4:26
8 Hifumi Cho (One, Tow, Three: Search!), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 4:35

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Akita Sugagaki (Autumn Field), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 12:00
2 Renbo Nagashi (Intense Yearning), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 8:23
3 Takiochi no Kyoku (Cascading Waterfall), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 9:25
4 Ryugin Koku (Dragon Singing in the Empty Sky), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 6:42
5 Kyushu Reibo (Yearning for the Bell of the Kyûshû Region), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 5:33
6 San'ya (Three Valleys), for shakuhachi (Watazumi Do lineage) 10:15
7 Haechi Gaeshi (Returning the Bowl), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 4:26
8 Hifumi Cho (One, Tow, Three: Search!), for shakuhachi (Chikuho lineage) 4:35

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