Sax with Strings Attached

Artist Martin Piecuch
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label Boston Records

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Quintet for saxophone & strings 18:43
2 Quintet for saxophone & string quartet 19:15
3 Bestaire (Bestiary), for saxophone & cello 16:07
4 Divertimento for flute, 2 violins, viola & cello 9:28

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Quintet for saxophone & strings - 1. Allegro 6:30
2 Quintet for saxophone & strings - 2. Andante 5:55
3 Quintet for saxophone & strings - 3. Adagio / Allegro 6:18
4 Quintet for saxophone & string quartet - 1. Introduction 7:00
5 Quintet for saxophone & string quartet - 2. Intermezzo 5:41
6 Quintet for saxophone & string quartet - 3. Scherzo 3:03
7 Quintet for saxophone & string quartet - 4. Finale 3:31
8 Bestaire (Bestiary), for saxophone & cello - 1. Le Chat et le Poisson Rouge (The Cat and the Red Fish) 4:16
9 Bestaire (Bestiary), for saxophone & cello - 2. Le Paon devant son mirmoir (The Peacock in Front of his Mirror) 4:06
10 Bestaire (Bestiary), for saxophone & cello - 3. Défilé des Insectes (Parade of the Insects) :15
11 Bestaire (Bestiary), for saxophone & cello - 3. Défilé des Insectes (Parade of the Insects). 1. Mouche contre la vitre (The Fly on the Window Pa :39
12 Bestaire (Bestiary), for saxophone & cello - 3. Défilé des Insectes (Parade of the Insects). 2. Bourdons, cafards, et puces (Bumblebees, Cockroa :50
13 Bestaire (Bestiary), for saxophone & cello - 3. Défilé des Insectes (Parade of the Insects). 3. Gross mouche verte (Blue Bottles Flies) :47
14 Bestaire (Bestiary), for saxophone & cello - 3. Défilé des Insectes (Parade of the Insects). 4. Couple de scorpions (Pair fo Scorpions) :52
15 Bestaire (Bestiary), for saxophone & cello - 3. Défilé des Insectes (Parade of the Insects). 5. Fourmis (Ants) :31
16 Bestaire (Bestiary), for saxophone & cello - 3. Défilé des Insectes (Parade of the Insects). 6. Libellula depressa (Dragonfly) :31
17 Bestaire (Bestiary), for saxophone & cello - 3. Défilé des Insectes (Parade of the Insects). 7. Mante religieuse (Praying Mantis) 1:00
18 Bestaire (Bestiary), for saxophone & cello - 3. Défilé des Insectes (Parade of the Insects). 8. Perce-oreille (Earwig) :38
19 Bestaire (Bestiary), for saxophone & cello - 3. Défilé des Insectes (Parade of the Insects). 9. Nuée de moustiques (Swarm of Mosquitos) 1:42
20 Divertimento for flute, 2 violins, viola & cello - 1. Gemächlich (comfortable) 2:16
21 Divertimento for flute, 2 violins, viola & cello - 2. Leicht bewegt (with slight agitation) 2:58
22 Divertimento for flute, 2 violins, viola & cello - 3. Ruhig und frei (calmly in a free style) 1:32
23 Divertimento for flute, 2 violins, viola & cello - 4. Schnell (fast) 2:42

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