Russia and Fiodor Ivanovich Shalyapin

Artist Feodor Chaliapin
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label Russian Compact Disc
Erschienen 1995

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 The Tale of Ilya Murometz, folk song 2:43
2 The sun rises and sets 3:27
3 Down the Mother Volga, folksong 3:31
4 The Twelve Brigands (Dvenadsat' razboynikov) 4:00
5 Luchinushka 3:33
6 Eh, Vanka (Crazy-headed John) 3:06
7 Ne veljat Mase za rek - za recenku chodit' (They Don't Let Masha Go Down by the Brook), folk song (a.k.a. "Mashenka") 3:40
8 Vdolj po Peterskoy (Along the Peterskaya Road), folk song 2:02
9 Dark eyes ("Ochi chornye," "Black Eyes"), folk song 3:31
10 Proshchai radost (Farewell, joy) 4:00
11 From Behind the Island to the Midstream (Iz-za ostrova na strezhen') 4:04
12 It is not autumn rain 4:09
13 Eh, Ukhnyem (Song of the Volga Boatmen), folk song 3:29
14 Rise, Fair Sun (Ty Vzoidi, Sontse Kranoye!) 3:31
15 Dubinushka, Russian folksong 3:25

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 The Tale of Ilya Murometz, folk song 2:43
2 The sun rises and sets 3:27
3 Down the Mother Volga, folksong 3:31
4 The Twelve Brigands (Dvenadsat' razboynikov) 4:00
5 Luchinushka 3:33
6 Eh, Vanka (Crazy-headed John) 3:06
7 Ne veljat Mase za rek - za recenku chodit' (They Don't Let Masha Go Down by the Brook), folk song (a.k.a. "Mashenka") 3:40
8 Vdolj po Peterskoy (Along the Peterskaya Road), folk song 2:02
9 Dark eyes ("Ochi chornye," "Black Eyes"), folk song 3:31
10 Proshchai radost (Farewell, joy) 4:00
11 From Behind the Island to the Midstream (Iz-za ostrova na strezhen') 4:04
12 It is not autumn rain 4:09
13 Eh, Ukhnyem (Song of the Volga Boatmen), folk song 3:29
14 Rise, Fair Sun (Ty Vzoidi, Sontse Kranoye!) 3:31
15 Dubinushka, Russian folksong 3:25

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