The Basket [Motion Picture Soundtrack]

Artist Don Caron
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label North by Northwest
Erschienen 2000

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 The Basket, film score 62:41

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 The Basket, film score - Der Korb (The Basket) 3:12
2 The Basket, film score - Pastor Simms' Trip 1:51
3 The Basket, film score - On the Playground 1:20
4 The Basket, film score - Der Fremder - The Stranger 1:43
5 The Basket, film score - Laundry Toss 1:36
6 The Basket, film score - The Pendant 2:17
7 The Basket, film score - Zwei Steine (Two Stones) 1:31
8 The Basket, film score - Tausend Kleine Stückchen (Thousand Tiny Pieces) 1:19
9 The Basket, film score - Sanftesten Träumen (Quietest Dreams) 1:46
10 The Basket, film score - The Hanging 1:26
11 The Basket, film score - Stealing the Ball 2:27
12 The Basket, film score - Stealing the Basket 1:12
13 The Basket, film score - The Gift 1:26
14 The Basket, film score - Pledge of Allegiance 1:26
15 The Basket, film score - Wehklage (Duchess' Lament) 3:23
16 The Basket, film score - Fire 3:41
17 The Basket, film score - Town Meeting 3:01
18 The Basket, film score - Preparations 1:13
19 The Basket, film score - Killing the Ball :49
20 The Basket, film score - Die Barbaren (The Barbarians) 2:48
21 The Basket, film score - Bessie's Dream 1:08
22 The Basket, film score - Charlie Cohn 2:43
23 The Basket, film score - To Cause the Death 2:15
24 The Basket, film score - The Game Part 1 3:59
25 The Basket, film score - Send Us Back 2:14
26 The Basket, film score - The Game Part 2 4:28
27 The Basket, film score - Brigitta's Dance 1:30
28 The Basket, film score - Zusammen Werden Wir Fliegen (Together We Shall Fly) 4:57

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